Beneš M., Fučík R., Havlena V., Klement V., Kolář M., Polívka O., Salaj M., Solovský J., Strachota P.
BatterySim - High Fidelity Numerical Simulator of Lithium-Ion Cell Dynamics, 2015-2017
Purpose: BatterySim implements a numerical algorithm for solving the first principles model
of Li-ion cell dynamics under regular and extreme loading conditions. Both short term dynamics
and long term effects (battery aging) are modeled. In addition, BatterySim is capable of simulating
the behavior of battery packs with parallel interconnection of cells in hybrid electric vehicles.
Extreme situations involve deep discharge, overcharge, operation in extreme temperatures
and the presence of faulty cells in the battery pack.
Use: Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague;
Availability: upon license.
Product description:
Sample use case and results - see THIS paper. Advanced results are in the process of publication.