Recent projects:
Principal research team
Complex multiscale and multiphase processes related to
freezing and thawing in porous media
project No. 1225201X000 of the Fund for Future of the Czech Technical University in
Prague, 2024, principal investigator M. Beneš
Multiphase flow, transport, and structural changes related to water freezing and thawing in the
subsurface, 2021-2023, project no. 21-09093S of the Czech Science Foundation, (principal investigator J. Mikyška)
Modeling, prediction, and control of processes in nature, industry, and medicine powered by
high performance computing,
project of the Student Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in
Prague No. SGS23/188/OHK4/3T/14, 2023-2025 (principal investigator P.
Translation of mathematical modeling and optimization techniques to cardiovascular
medicine, project of Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and
Sports Interexcellence LUAUS25049, 2025-2028, principal investigator R.
Fučík, support for cooperation with UT Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas (prof. Mohammad Tarique Hussain, M.D., Ph. D. and MUDr. Radomír Chabiniok, Ph.D.)
Collaborating research team
Off-diagonal thermodynamics and its connection with other factors as a
route to predictable selectivity in C-H bond cleavage
2024-2026, project no. 24-11247S of the Czech Science Foundation, (principal
investigator M. Srnec - Jaroslav-Heyrovsky Institute, Czech Academy of
Sciences, local investigator R. Fučík)
Research centre for low-carbon energy technologies, project of
excellent research No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000753, Operational
Programme of Research, Development and Education, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
of the Czech Republic, 2018-2023 with subsequent period of
sustainability 5 years (principal investigator F. Hrdlička, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, local co-principal investigator M. Beneš)
Center for Advanced Applied Sciences, project of
excellent research No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000778, Operational
Programme of Research, Development and Education, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
of the Czech Republic, 2018-2023 2018-2023 with subsequent period of
sustainability 5 years (principal investigator I. Jex, Faculty of
Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague)
Research centre for Informatics, project of
excellent research No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000765, Operational
Programme of Research, Development and Education, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
of the Czech Republic, 2018-2023 2018-2023 with subsequent period of
sustainability 5 years (principal investigator Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, local co-principal investigator
T. Oberhuber)
Completed projects:
Principal research team
Development and application of advanced methods for mathematical modeling of
natural and industrial processes using high-performance computing
project of the Student Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague No.
SGS20/184/OHK4/3T/14, 2020-22 (principal investigator R. Fučík)
Computational Models and Experimental Investigation of Fluid Dynamics, Mass
Transfer and Transport, and Phase Transitions in Porous Media for
Environmental Applications, project of Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Interexcellence LTAUSA19021, 2020-2022, principal investigator R. Fučík,
support for cooperation with the Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Investigation of shallow subsurface flow with phase transitions, project No. 17-06759S
of the Czech Science Foundation, 2017-2019
(principal investigator J. Mikyška)
Application of advanced supercomputing methods for mathematical modeling of natural processes,
project of the Student Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague No. SGS17/194/OHK4/3T/14
2017-19 (principal investigator R. Fučík)
Development and Validation of Porous Media Fluid Dynamics and Phase Transitions Models for
Subsurface Environmental Application, project of Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Kontakt II LH14003, 2014-2016, principal investigator M. Beneš,
support for cooperation with the Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Advanced supercomputing methods for mathematical modeling of natural processes,
project of the Student Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague No. SGS14/206/OHK4/3T/14
2014-16, principal investigator R. Fučík
Two scales discrete-continuum approach to dislocation dynamics, project No. P108/12/1463
of the Czech Science Foundation, 2012-2015
(principal investigator M. Beneš)
Computational methods in thermodynamics of multicomponent mixtures, project
of Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Kontakt LH12064, 2012-2015,
principal investigator J. Mikyška,
support for cooperation with the Reservoir Engineering Research Institute, Palo Alto
Parallel algorithms for numerical solution of nonlinear partial differential equations,
Supercomputing center of the Czech Technical University in Prague,
project No. 19
Advanced Supercomputing Methods for Implementation of Mathematical Models,
project of the Student Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague No.
SGS11/161/OHK4/3T/14, 2011-13, principal investigator R. Fučík
Development of Computational Models for Simulation of CO2 Sequestration, project No. P105/11/1507
of the Czech Science Foundation, 2011-2013
(principal investigator J. Mikyška)
Numerical Methods for Multiphase Flow and Transport in Subsurface Environmental Applications, project
of Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Kontakt ME10009, 2010-2012,
principal investigator M. Beneš,
support for cooperation with the Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Supercomputing Methods in Mathematical Modelling of Problems in Engineering and Natural Sciences,
project of the Student Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague No.
283 OHK4-009/10 P3913, 2010, principal investigator P. Strachota
Mathematical modelling of multi-phase porous media flow, project No. 201/08/P567
of the Czech Science Foundation, 2008-2010
(principal investigator J. Mikyška)
Development and Validation of Porous Media Flow and Transport Models for Subsurface Environmental
Application, project of Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Kontakt ME878,
2006-2009, support for cooperation with the Colorado School of Mines, Golden
Modern Methods of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical
Simulation of Technological and Natural Processes II, Czech-Slovak Joint Science Program,
project No. 83, 2006-2007, support for cooperation with the Slovak Technical University, Bratislava
Czech Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2006, Internal Grant ČVUT No. CTU0617014,
2006, support of the conference organization
Workshop on Applied Mathematics, Internal Grant ČVUT No. CTU0511714,
2005, support of the conference organization
Czech Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics, Internal Grant ČVUT No. CTU0415314,
2004, support of the conference organization
Modern Methods of Mathematical Modelling and
Numerical Simulation of Technological and Natural Processes, Czech-Slovak
Joint Science Program, project No. 159, 2002-2003, support for cooperation with the Slovak
Technical University, Bratislava
Analyse mathématique de quelques problemes d'evolution intervenant en transition
de phase et en biologie, project Barrande No. 2001-036, 2001-2003, support for cooperation with the
Université Paris Sud, Orsay
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Free Boundary Problems with Application in Metallurgy,
project No. 210/01/0676 of the Czech Science Foundation, 2001-2003
Mathematical Modelling of Microstructure Growth in Solidification of Metals, Internal Grant
ČVUT No. 3097486, 1997
Radioactive Aerosol Wall Deposition; Theoretical Description of the Phenomenon,
US-Czechoslovak Science and Technology Program, project No. 92042, 1993-1997, support for cooperation
with the US Bureau of Mines, Denver
Collaborating research team
Large structures in boundary layers over complex surfaces under high
Reynolds numbers,
project no. 18-09539S of the Czech Science Foundation, 2019-2021 (principal investigator
K. Jurčáková, Czech Academy of Sciences, local co-principal investigator
R. Fučík)
Analysis of nature of flow and prediction of changes in
endovasculary treated vains by MRI and mathematical modeling,
project No. NV19-08-00071 of Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic,
2019-2021 (principal investigator Prof. J. Tintěra, IKEM Prague, local co-principal investigator
T. Oberhuber)
Quantitative Mapping of Myocard and of Flow Dynamics by Means of MR Imaging for
Patients with Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy - Development of Methodology,
project No. 15-27178A of Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, 2015-2018 (principal investigator
Prof. J. Tintěra, IKEM Prague)
Thermal energy storage materials: thermophysical characteristics for the design of thermal batteries,
project no. 17-08218S of the Czech Science Foundation, 2017-2019 (principal investigator M. Bendová,
Czech Academy of Sciences)
Ab initio calculations of medium-mass atomic nuclei,
project No. 16-16772S of the Czech Science Foundation, 2016-2018
(principal investigator T. Dytrych)
Multidisciplinary research centre for advanced materials, project of the Center of Excellence No. 14-36566G
of the Czech Science Foundation, 2014-2018 (principal investigator M. Janeček, Charles University)
Dynamic Lithium-ion battery management for hybrid electric vehicles,
project No. TA04021244 of the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (programme Alfa), 2014-2017, principal investigator
Prof. V. Havlena, Honeywell Prague Laboratory
Advanced Control and Optimization of Biofuel Co-Firing in Energy Production,
project No. TA01020871 of the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic, 2011-2013, principal investigator
Prof. V. Havlena, Honeywell Prague Laboratory
Jindřich Nečas Center for Mathematical Modelling, Research center of the Ministry of Education
of the Czech Republic LC06052, principal investigator J. Málek, Charles University, 2006-2011
Applied Mathematics in Technical and Physical Sciences, Research Direction Project of the
Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic No. MSM6840770010, principal investigator Prof. K. Kozel,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of CTU in Prague, 2005-2011
Advanced Methods in Control and Optimization of Energy Production, project of the
Ministry of Industry of the Czech Republic No. 1H-PK/22, principal investigator Prof. M. Šebek,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering of CTU in Prague, 2004-2008
Basic Mechanisms Governing Plastic Behaviour of Wavy Slip Materials, NSF00-138, principal
investigators N. Ghoniem (University of California, Los Angeles) and J. Kratochvíl
(Faculty of Civil Enginering, CTU in Prague), 2003-2006
Basic Mechanisms Governing Plastic Behaviour of Wavy Slip Materials, project
of Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Kontakt ME654, 2003-2006,
support for cooperation with the University of California, Los Angeles, principal
investigator Prof. J. Kratochvíl (Faculty of Civil Enginering, CTU in Prague), 2003-2006
Application of Mathematics in Technical Sciences, Research Direction Project of the
Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic No. J04/98/210000010, principal investigator Prof. K. Kozel,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of CTU in Prague, 1999-2004
Mathematical Modelling of Transport and Reactions of Chemicals in Contaminated Underground
Water, project of Czech Science Foundation No. 205/96/0921, principal investigator Dr. J. Maryška
(TU Liberec), 1996-1998
Stability and Instability in Quantum Systems, project of Czech Science Foundation No. 201/94/0708,
principal investigator Prof. P. Šťovíček (Faculty of Nuclear Sciences end Physical Engineering, CTU in Prague),
Modelling of Crack Dynamics in Materials, project of Czech Science Foundation No. 106/93/1110,
principal investigator Dr. A. Machová (Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic, 1993-1995