Vrabinec, Velký Chlum (Lookout Tower)
- By train "Os 6469" (direction: Ústí n.L., západ) at 14:00 from the stop Děčín, východ (to the stop Těchlovice), payment at the conductor on the train. Price CZK 34 (DÚK tariff); can be paid in cash or by credit card.
By bus no. 450 (direction: Chlumec) at 14:17 from the bus stop Děčín, Myslbekova (to the bus stop Těchlovice).
- After getting off in Těchlovice, walk about 170 metres eastwards to the signpost of the red hiking trail.
- From Těchlovice, follow the red hiking trail in the direction of Vrabinec (turn), and then through Chlum to Děčín.
The length of the route is approx. 14 km, https://mapy.cz/s/patupelade.
Attention: most of the route leads outside populated areas (no refreshments).
Map for walking route:
Vrabinec is a rocky hill with an altitude of 407 metres, from which you can enjoy a beautiful view of the Labe valley to the southwest. This hill with basalt rocks belongs to the České středohoří Protected Landscape Area and was declared a nature reserve in 1993. In the protected area, there are almost perpendicular rock walls. Vrabinec is an isolated island of thermophilic flora in one of the northernmost parts of the Labe Valley in the Czech Republic. Further information: https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vrabinec (Czech).
Vrabinec castle (also Vrabín, Vrabník or Sperlingstein in German) stood at an altitude of 400 meters. The first written mention of the castle dates back to 1403, but in the following century it is listed as deserted. Only the remains of the perimeter fortification walls have survived to this day and are protected as a cultural monument. More information: https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vrabinec_(castle) (Czech).
Velký Chlum (lookout tower)
The stone lookout tower was built in 1928-29 on one of the peaks of the basalt hill Chlum near Děčín. Since May 1930 it has been freely accessible all year round, in 1996 a complete reconstruction was started and since July 1997 it has been open to the public again. The lookout tower offers magical views of the town of Děčín with the Labe river, the Krušné hory and Děčínský Sněžník, on the other side you can see the landscape of the České Středohoří. More information: https://www.region-ceskesvycarsko.cz/rozhledny-vyhlidky/velky-chlum/(Czech).